Hack The Box - Administrator
January 04, 2025Administrator is currently an active machine on Hack The Box. This writeup will be published once the machine has been retired.
Administrator is currently an active machine on Hack The Box. This writeup will be published once the machine has been retired.
Axlle is a Windows machine running Active Directory. A hosted website displays a maintenance notice, but also mentions that outstanding…
Object is a Windows machine running Active Directory. Access to a Jenkins instance allows for triggering builds that execute batch commands…
Monitored is a Linux machine running an instance of Nagios XI. A username and password for Nagios can be discovered from SNMP data, which…
Blurry is a Linux machine running an application with a vulnerable version of ClearML, which contains a deserialization flaw (CVE-2024-2459…
EvilCUPS is a Linux machine affected by several vulnerabilities discovered in CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) in September 2024. These…
Builder is a Linux machine running a version of Jenkins with an arbitrary file read vulnerability via the CLI (CVE-2024-23897). This…
Aero is a Windows machine hosting a website that allows users to upload custom Windows 11 themes. Due to a known RCE vulnerability in…
Visual is a Windows machine hosting a website that compiles Visual Studio projects from a remote Git repository. Command execution on the…
Jab is a Windows machine running Active Directory with an XMPP server that allows open registration. Once an account has been created, a…
Manager is a Windows machine running Active Directory. After gathering a list of domain users by brute-forcing SIDs, one of the users is…
Blackfield is a Windows machine running Active Directory. A list of potential usernames can be created based on user directories found in an…
Reel is a Windows machine running Active Directory with an open FTP server that contains a few documents, one of which reveals an email…
Escape is a Windows machine running Active Directory with an open SMB share containing credentials for an MSSQL instance. After connecting…
Scrambled is a Windows machine running Active Directory. A username can be found on a hosted webpage as well as a message indicating that…
Cascade is a Windows machine running Active Directory. An anonymous LDAP bind allows for enumeration of the environment, leading to the…
Monteverde is a Windows machine with an Active Directory environment featuring Azure AD. After enumerating domain users, it can be…
Resolute is a Windows machine running Active Directory. A few different methods can be used to enumerate users on the system and reveal an…
VulnNet: Active is a Windows machine running Active Directory with an instance of Redis that doesn't require authentication. This can be…
Timelapse is a Windows machine running Active Directory with an open SMB share that contains a password-protected ZIP archive. The password…
Blue is a Windows machine running SMB. A scan with Nmap can reveal that the box is vulnerable to EternalBlue, an exploit that targets a flaw…
Return is a Windows machine running Active Directory. A webpage featuring a printer admin panel can be leveraged to reveal LDAP credentials…
Sauna is a Windows machine featuring an Active Directory environment. A list of potential usernames can be generated based on a webpage that…
Active is a Windows machine running Active Directory with an open SMB share that contains an encrypted GPP (Group Policy Preferences…
Forest is a Windows machine running Active Directory. An anonymous LDAP bind allows for enumeration of the system which can be leveraged to…
Cronos is a Linux machine hosting a website with an admin subdomain that contains a login form with a SQL injection vulnerability. After…
Authority is a Windows machine running Active Directory that has an open SMB share containing ansible vault encrypted credentials. Once…
Topology is a Linux machine hosting a website with a PNG image generator based on LaTeX inline math mode commands. This feature can be…
Inject is a Linux machine hosting a cloud storage and collaboration app built with Java and the Spring framework. A route on the app has a…
MonitorsTwo is a Linux machine with a web application that uses Cacti, a web based monitoring and fault management framework. The version of…
Busqueda is a Linux machine featuring a web application that provides users with a URL for a variety of search engines across the web with…
PC is a Linux machine with an open port running gRPC (Google Remote Procedure Call). Interaction with the server using allows for the…
TwoMillion is a Linux machine hosting a web application with an API that has a command injection vulnerability. This vulnerability can be…
Mirai features a Raspberry Pi device with default credentials that can be used to log in over SSH. Enumeration of the machine reveals a USB…
Diogenes' Rage is a web challenge featuring a vending machine application that enables users to purchase items using a coupon worth $1.0…