Hack The Box - TwoMillion

June 13, 2023


TwoMillion is a Linux machine hosting a web application with an API that has a command execution vulnerability. This vulnerability can be exploited to gain a shell on the system. During the enumeration process, a configuration file can be discovered that contains credentials for the admin user which can be used to SSH into the system. An email in the /var/mail directory provides a valuable hint indicating that the Linux kernel version on the machine is outdated and might be vulnerable to certain CVEs. Further investigation leads to the identification of CVE-2023-0386, a privilege escalation vulnerability that can be exploited to gain root access on the system.

nmap scan:

nmap scan

Ports open:

  • 22 (SSH)
  • 80 (HTTP)

Visiting the IP redirects to 2million.htb, so I added that to /etc/hosts

initial visit to IP

2million.htb led to an older version of the Hack The Box home page.

home page

There's an invite code form which needs to be hacked in order to obtain a code.

invite code form

After inspecting the code, I found an interesting script: /js/inviteapi.min.js.

inpect inviteapi

The page contained obfuscated javascript code.

url inviteapi.min.js

js-beautify deobfuscated the code.


The code contains two functions, verifyInviteCode() makes a POST request to /api/v1/invite/verify and makeInviteCode() makes a POST request to /api/v1/invite/how/to/generate.

I sent a POST request to /api/v1/invite/how/to/generate which responded with data that was encrypted using ROT13.

POST /api/v1/invite/how/to/generate

The decrypted message said "In order to generate the invite code, make a POST request to /api/v1/invite/generate"


After visiting that endpoint, a new code was generated encoded in base64.

POST /api/v1/invite/generate

Once it was decoded, a valid invite code was provided.

b64 decode

I used the code to sign up which brought me to a registration page.

enter invite code

Registered a new user.


Then, I logged in which redirected to the dashboard page.


I looked around the webpage, but didn't find anything too useful. So, next I tried visiting the /api/v1 endpoint which responded with a list of API endpoints.

GET /api/v1

/api/v1/user/auth checks if a user is authenticated. This endpoint responded with my current user and also showed that the is_admin parameter was set to 0 meaning that I wasn't an admin user.

GET /api/v1/user/auth

But, there's another endpoint: /api/v1/admin/settings/update which can update the admin settings for a user. This can be done with a PUT request that provides email and is_admin parameters and also setting the Content-Type to be application/json

is_admin parameter

The above PUT request responded with "is_admin":1, showing that my user has been updated to an admin user. I verified this by sending a GET request to /api/v1/admin/auth

GET /api/v1/admin/auth

/api/v1/admin/vpn/generate will generate a certificate to connect to the VPN. I sent a POST request to this endpoint and provided a username parameter.

add username parameter

I tested for command injection within the username parameter to the /api/v1/admin/vpn/generate route:


The server responded with www-data, showing successful command execution.

Next, I sent the following command to establish a shell.

send bash shell command

I caught a shell on the system as www-data


Enumeration of the system led to the discovery of a username and password in a .env file.

cat .env

I viewed the /etc/passwd file to see what users were on the system.

cat /etc/passwd

There's an admin user listed, so I attempted to login with SSH using the username admin and password SuperDuperPass123

admin ssh login

This is where the user flag can be found (/home/admin). Upon logging in, there's also a message saying You have mail which seemed worth looking into.

user flag

A common place for mail within a Linux system is /var/mail, so I went there and found an admin file that contained the following email.

cat admin

The message mentions that there have been a few serious Linux kernel CVEs already this year and mentions OverlayFS / FUSE specifically.

A google search for "overlayfs 2023" brought up the following article from Datadog about CVE-2023-0386, a local privilege escalation vulnerability in the Linux kernel:

The OverlayFS vulnerability CVE-2023-0386: Overview, detection, and remediation

The article states:


Checking the current OS info on the machine with uname -a shows that the current Linux kernel is 5.15.70.

uname -a

The Datadog article contains a proof of concept exploit here

So, I cloned the repo and used tar to compress it.

clone exploit

Started up a python http server.

python http server

From the target machine, I used wget to download the archive and used tar to extract it.



As stated on the PoC github page, the exploit takes three steps. First, the make command to compile the code.


Next, I ran ./fuse ./ovlcap/lower ./gc from one terminal.

run first part

I opened another terminal on the target machine and ran ./exp

run second part

After doing so, I got a root shell.

exploit success

The root flag can be found in /root

root flag

CTF Writeups | InfoSec Topics

Written by Mike Garrity

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