Hack The Box - Blue

November 16, 2023


Blue is a Windows machine running SMB. A scan with Nmap can reveal that the box is vulnerable to EternalBlue, an exploit that targets a flaw in the way SMBv1 handles packets which can be leveraged for remote code execution. Exploiting the EternalBlue vulnerability results in a system shell.

nmap scan:

nmap scan

Notable open ports:

  • 135 (MSRPC)
  • 139, 445 (SMB)

SMB allowed anonymous logon and I was able to list the shares using crackmapexec:

smb shares

I downloaded the readable shares, but Share was empty and Users didn't contain anything useful. However, the output above also showed that SMBv1 was enabled. Running SMBv1 on Windows 7 indicates a vulnerability to EternalBlue (MS17-010). I ran the smb-vuln-ms17-010.nse script from nmap to confirm:

nmap script smb vuln ms17-010

So given that the machine was vulnerable, I cloned AutoBlue-MS17-010 from GitHub which provides a way to generate shellcode and exploit MS17-010 with or without Metasploit:


Within /shellcode the shell_prep.sh script is used to generate the payloads using msfvenom. Running it will prompt for various parameters, and then it will generate shellcode for both x64 and x86 architectures.


Generated payloads in /shellcode:

shell_prep payloads

Next, I started a netcat listener:


Since the target was a Windows 7 machine, I used the eternalblue_exploit7.py script to run the exploit along with sc_x64.bin as the payload:

run exploit

nc caught a shell as nt authority\system:

system shell

CTF Writeups | InfoSec Topics

Written by Mike Garrity

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